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    Understand how your buyers make purchasing decisions.


    Being able to align your sales motions to buyer preferences will help you win more often with higher price points. Your approach must appeal to both the logical and emotional needs of each individual buyer in your accounts.


    1. Through direct customer research, you have defined your buyer personas.

    2. You know the evaluation criteria your buyers use when making a purchasing decision.

    3. You allocate sales resources based on the value your customers say they bring to each touchpoint.

    4. When your buyers do not purchase your products, you research and understand what their stated reasons are.

    5. You know the decision-making process (journey) your buyers follow (for each market segment, product, sales channel).

    6. The decision to buy your product or service is made by a consolidated, central buying decision team (BDT).

    7. Does your customer’s buying process vary in length by market segment, customer profile, buyer persona, product, and/or sales channel?

    8. You know which channels your customers prefer to buy your products and why they prefer to buy that way.

    9. Your value propositions have been validated by your customers.

    10. You conduct win/loss calls to understand which competitors you win/lose to and why.


    • Buyer Personas

    • Buyer Touchpoint Analysis

    • Buyer Process Maps

    • Critical Success Factors

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