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Digital marketing plan – objectives and strategy

    Digital marketing plan – objectives and strategy

    The objectives you decide on for your digital marketing need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely). An example of a SMART digital marketing objective could be to generate 30 new sales leads per month. See your marketing objectives.

    When defining your digital marketing objectives, you should think about how they will align with your overall business’ goals and your key performance indicators. See measure performance and set targets.

    You should also consider what the return on your investment will be – this is likely to be financial, but could also include, for example:

    an improved conversion rate
    greater brand awareness
    an increase in visits to your website
    a greater market share
    How you measure the success of your plan will depend on your general business and marketing objectives. This will differ from business to business.

    Your plan needs to look at the whole customer journey:

    awareness – how a customer will become aware of your brand
    acquisition – why they will then want to visit your website
    conversion – how easily will they be able to make a purchase or register once on your site
    Different online tactics will support different parts of this customer journey.

    Once you have defined your objectives, you should provide a summary of your strategy, showing how you are going to use digital marketing to meet your goals. This should summarise the ‘big picture’ and lead naturally into the next section of your plan, in which you will define the tactics that you want to use.

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