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50 Business Ideas To Start in 2019

    Looking to open up a new business? In need of an high-potential low-investment new business ideas? Whether you want a more flexible lifestyle, out of work, or looking to earn top dollar, be sure to scan through our 2019 business ideas list. Looking for a no-capital home business to make a little cash on the side? View our top 2019 home business ideas.

    🏆 Our Focuses: Flexibility, Low Overheads, Moderate Budget, Easy Implementation

    “It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.” –David Feherty

    1) Introducing clients:


    In a gist: 

    While it’s incredibly difficult, and requires a big investment, to open up a new operating business, introducing clients to existing businesses is an idea that can hardly fail you, if done properly. The concept is simple – find an existing business that is looking to recruit clients, and willing to accept introductions. Most businesses will be happy with something along these lines as this sort of deal is performance based. There’s not risk on anyone’s behalf.




    Low to Medium

    Capital required:

    Recommended to have at least some starting capital


    Lean business with low costs, in some industries the Affiliate/ Introductory Broker/ Agent who makes the introduction will generate more income from introductions than the company itself.


    Harder to build a sustainable business with constant cashflow.

    Means of acquiring clients:

    Most popularly a website or a blog. Other ways of finding potential clients include door-to-door methodologies (or the online equivalent to this – email spamming) , using existing connections, actively recruiting by going to relevant gatherings or even organizing them (or the online equivalent to this – participating or opening up a forum).

    Companies you can work with:

    Online, you can be an affiliate which sells almost any service or product the internet has to offer. In fact, Amazon has an affiliate program which allows you to sell everything from Amazon’s huge stock. Popular industries that have high potential, but also somewhat high competitiveness include: Financial Products, Dietary Supplements, Gambling and Commerce.

    Offline, it’s a bit more difficult to set up broker deals, simply because the tracking is harder. Traditionally, the most common area for this would be real estate, where it’s common that an agent gets a commission, and agents use sub-brokers who work with them.

    Recommended program:

    In Forex Trading, one trader generate the company he’s working with with thousands of dollars in commission! As an affiliate you get a percentage of that. We recommend’s affiliate program – click on this link and press the red button saying “open a partner account”. Very reliable and we had great results with them.

    2) Day Trading: 

    Day Trading

    In a gist: 

    You use your existing capital to generate passive income through investing.





    Capital required:

    Relative to the earnings you need and the risk you are willing to take with your money. If you want long term “safe” investment and earn for a nice 5% annually, then you’ll be needing x 20 of what you want to annually earn as your starting capital. If you aim to become a day trading and risk your capital, you could aim for X,XXX % in profit annually, and then you need a much smaller starting point.


    Completely “free” lifestyle. Very high potential of earning if you do well. Doesn’t require anything besides risking money and sitting at home.


    The riskier the investment profile is, the higher the chances you’ll lose the money. Could be very stressful, mentally. Addictive.

    Means of trading:

    Stocks: either long term value investment, or day trading which is usually based on technical signals. Learn here how to properly invest in stocks.

    Mutual Funds, Bonds: High similarity to stocks. Considered less risky in general.

    Real Estate: Either by REIT, Real Estate Mutual Funds, Buy and Let, or simply buy assets for their future increase in value. Overseas property is also a part of this. Read the following New Real Estate Investor Tips here.

    Forex: High leverage investment in either currency pairs or stocks, based on Contract for Differences (meaning you don’t physically purchase any currency, stock or commodity, but earn or loss according to its movement). It’s a very quick way of investing and very retailed oriented with attractive interfaces, trading bonuses, and some companies are really flushed out and dealing with thousands of clients. XM is one of these companies and we invite you to view this’s review and sign up to a demo account.

    Social trading: Social trading is a sub-set of Forex trading. Some companies figured out some people just want to make money without all the hassle of actually choosing their investment. So what they did is simple. You can choose who to follow, and whatever he does, your account will do (obviously the amount invested will depend on you). Zulutrade is a really nice option. A stand up company.

    Peer to peer lending:  Peer to peer lending means that instead of depositing your money in a bank, giving you small-time interest in comparison to the interest earned by the bank (which is lending it), you’ll lend it directly to either private clients or small businesses that need financing. Returns in companies like Zopa have been well over the 5% mark for the last few years. To learn more about these alternative investments click here.

    Looking to invest without expertise?

    3) Take Surveys For Cash:

    Take Surveys For Cash

    Potential: Low

    Risk: None

    This is more of a low risk pastime activity that can generate an income sufficient to live by, if you reside in a developing country, or something you can do on top of your usual day job for extra cash. The idea is that companies pay for surveys to be filled out, and survey companies recruit the requested audience. They pay a portion of what they’re given to the people handing out surveys.

    It’s easy, simple, but very capped. Even if you do this full-time and efficiently, it is sensible to believe it will not generate more than $1,000 a month (and that is if you found really good sources). You can spend a few dollars on this book which will lay out the survey cash generation plan in a more detailed manner – Take Surveys For Cash Guide.

    4) Blogging business:

    Blogging business

    Potential: Medium

    Risk: Low to Medium

    Despite the vast number of blogs these days, blogging is still a profitable business (we do it!). Blogging provides the opportunity for multiple revenue streams at once and could potentially be very profitable. However the majority of bloggers fail to make any substantial money so you need to know what you are doing if you are going to blog for business.

    Check out How To Start: A Blogging Business

    5) Sell homemade products online:

    Sell homemade products online

    Potential: Medium

    Risk: Low to Medium

    If you can craft anything, anything at all, have any sort of design qualities or experience, or just some creativity and a working set of arms and legs, you can create things and sell them. There are so many online market places that you can sell in, eBay, Amazon, Etsy, to name a few… so many product to create, from wearable art (a nicer term for clothing), through craftsmanship of things like pots and jars, through genuine art – painting sculpting etc.

     Look at this list to find 125 different places to sell your art on.

    6) Write Content:

    Write content

    Potential: Low to Medium

    Risk: None

    This is a sort of quality many people posses. You don’t have to be an expert writer with a lot of credentials, have academic proficiency, or to be honest, to be a particularly good writer. You need to be able to research things you aren’t fully aware of, and be able to express yourself in a certain language. There is so much content being added to the internet, billions of pages discovered every month,  and a lot of demand.

    A poor content writer whose mother tongue is not English, and can write in a very shallow manner might cost $5 a piece (which is about $5 an hour); A superb writer who wrote for serious magazines and journals can charge up to $1,000 per piece; a published author who hasn’t written for any top-notch magazines can charge $30-$50 a piece (which translates to approximately $20 an hour).

    You can easily find clients via forums, or services like iWriter.

    7) Sell Services on an Online market:

    Sell Services online

    Potential: Low – Medium

    Risk: None

    Whether you know web design, how how to handle content management system, write (as suggested above), use excel well, give legal advice, do accounting work, it doesn’t matter. You can provide your service for $5 on websites like Fiverr. There’s a lot going on there, more and more clients are coming to this marketplace, and they all need different things.

    You might say that $5 is pretty low but if you keep at it and provide a good service, your account can be upgraded and you can provide services with extras where you can earn a lot more for each service provided. I saw many vendors who have listed services (plus a few extras) that can go up to $80-$100.

    7) Sell products on an Online market:

    Sell products on an Online market

    Potential: High

    Risk: Medium to High

    You can sell whatever you want on eBay and make profit. You need to find the right niche, build yourself reputation, and learn the system, but generally speaking if you buy in bulks, through eBay or through someplace else, and sell every piece of the bulk for a higher price, you will eventually make money. It’s not difficult to make money, the difficulty is to make enough money and sustain a proper cash flow line to be able to buy stock, and make a living at the end of the month.

    Trade collectables (sub-set of product selling)

    collectable items and antiques are often in demand from the right buyers and can have a lot of value. If you know a lot about specific collectables then you could look for bargains and then sell them off for a profit. There are plenty of sites for collectible items so you should have no problem in finding buyers.

    8) Dog Walking:

    Dog Walking

    Potential: Low

    Risk: None

    With people working 9- 5 they often do not have the time to walk their pets in the day. As a dog walker you would walk their pets for them in the day.  This simple business idea could become profitable with a good amount of customers. If you are walking more than one pet at a time then you could increase your profit further.

    9) Real Estate “Agent”:

    Real Estate Agent

    Potential: Medium

    Risk: Low (but some legal risk)

    You no longer have to be involved in the real estate business as much as real estate agents were in the past. There’s so much data online about houses being sold, that you can basically do a mix-and-match. Have people coming to you with their requirements, do the search, and take a small commission of the deal.

    You would have to cover yourself legally, though. You have to do things so they would be transparent enough, and legally documented well enough, to actually get what you deserve for this provision of service. Some home owner definitely don’t like to hear that you want to take a cut without signing a prior deal with them. On the other hand if you have a website or a blog to show, you might be able to get some early permission to find them buyers.

    10) YouTube Stardom:

    YouTube Stardom

    Potential: Huge

    Risk: Low

    Well, if you become popular on Youtube you can earn a lot of money. Directly from Youtube if you’re really big, but also from side contracts Youtube stardom should fetch you. When you have a list of people who are trusting you, following you, or admiring you, you are able to sell them. The difficult part is standing out.

    Our advice is sticking to something you can really shine on. If you’re ultra muscular, videos of you training and instructing can become very popular, but if you don’t have the body or knowledge to show for it, you might become a laughing stock. If you’re an ultra-gamer considering yourself lucky, as the top grossing Youtuber, PewDiePie, is a gamer making 4 M Dollars (estimated) from his Hobby.

    If you want to learn more about become a YouTube star we recommend this Guardian article.

    → Additional Business Ideas That Are Still Applicable In 2019 →

     11) Online car part store

    There has been a large increase in customers looking for parts for vehicles and this has led to some successful businesses focusing on just one model. You could easily start a successful e-commerce store for specific car models. As a niche site you would most likely have little competition and could charge more for hard to find parts.

    12) Local supplies eCommerce store

    There are plenty of local small businesses that still do not have a website.  To overcome this you could start an e-commerce store that sells local products. You could sell to the local community but it could also appeal to a wider audience.  You could work with local business owners and negotiate commission for sales you make

    13) Clothing store

    There is always going to be a demand for clothing and this last year has seen a significant increase in smaller clothing brands. If you are good with graphics then a clothing business could be easy to start-up.  You could target mass market with low-priced clothing or go for a designer niche and charge a higher price.

    14) Virtual assistant

    Businesses are moving away from full-time in-house assistants and using online assistants instead. With this niche set to continue growing you could capitalise on it now by starting your own virtual assistant business.A virtual assistant is a job that you can do from home with little capital required.

    15) Mobile catering

    Pop-up food stands are great for events and parties. Furthermore with mobile catering appearing in commercial locations lately, there is plenty of business for mobile caterers.

    16) Tutoring

    Users come online to gather information. Tutoring is becoming a popular trend as people want to find learn new skills of the internet. If you are skilled or qualified in a particular area then you could tutor others. There are plenty of websites online where you could start providing tutoring.

    17) WordPress Themes

    With more websites now using WordPress as a content management system, there is a demand for fresh new WordPress themes.If you are good at designing and coding then you could start to create and sell your own WordPress themes. As they are a digital product, you can create them once and then make a profit for every single sale. There are numerous marketplaces such as Themeforest where you can sell your themes.

    18) Personal trainer

    If you are always in the gym then becoming a personal trainer could be an enjoyable and profitable business idea. People are often willing to pay a decent amount for personal training and if you get a good reputation then you could soon have a lot of clients. You may need to get qualified to become a personal trainer with a health and fitness qualification before you start.

    19) Cleaning business

    A cleaning business is perhaps one of the most simplest businesses you can start. You can start of just yourself and as your business expands you can employ more people to work for you. Furthermore as your business expands you can begin to invest in better and more efficient cleaning equipment.

    20) Sell photography

    Businesses are always looking for photos to use for promotional content and their websites. If you know how to take a good photograph then you could begin to sell them on stock photography sites. There are a lot of websites out there that are willing to pay for your photos and you often earn a profit for every sale.

    21) Cook

    If you know how to cook, it’s as easy as 1-2-3 to cook your goods and sell it to neighbors, family, and friends. If the food is good and the prices are attractive, when the clientele grows from mouth to ear, it might be the right time to open up a proper place.

    22) Start a local community website or magazine

    These days most of your local community is often online, meaning you can all connect without leaving your house. However there is often not a lot of community websites. You could start off a community website and share local new and information with other members of the community. You could make a profit from selling advertising space to local businesses or offering a premium section.

    23) Start a membership website

    A membership website is a great business model that con provide you with a recurring revenue stream. Once you have members signed up you can charge them a monthly subscription fee to access the content of your site. This could work great for digital products and other valuable online resources.

    24) Pet Grooming

    Pet grooming is becoming more popular as owners want to keep their pets looking their best. You could operate a mobile pet grooming business or from a stationary location. Despite the initial set-up costs, a pet grooming business would have relatively low operating costs and could allow for a good profit margin.

    25) Simple and addictive mobile games

    This year has seen a variety of simple and addictive mobile games such as Flappy Bird. These games often are often downloaded hundreds of thousands of times, creating a large profit for the creators. The most successful mobile games are free to download and then feature in-game advertisements.

    26) Bike rides and rentals

    Cycling is one again becoming very popular with people ditching cars and choosing to cycle and avoid the traffic. However good bikes are often expensive to buy or riders have no one to ride with. You could start a business offering bike rides and rentals to customers as groups.

    27) Social media marketing

    Social networks are great for small businesses to take advantage of but many of them do not have the skills required to successfully market their businesses on social networks. If you know how to use social networks such as Twitter and Facebook to successfully market a business then you could start charging for this service. This is a business that you can run from home and will require little initial start-up cost.

    28) Screen repairs

    Users of smartphones and tablets are always damaging the screens. Sometimes just a single drop can be enough to crack a screen. Many devices require special tools to replace screens and so most people need to turn to a screen repair business. You could charge customers for your labour and there would be little costs after the initial set-up costs.

    29) Create standout CV’s

    A CV can often be what gets you a job interview. If your CV is not standing out then you are just going to get over looked with the rest of them. There has been a growing trend of CV’s that are unique, colourful and standout from others. You could start a business creating standout CV’s for customers who will find it worth paying for it they get the job they want.

    30) Launch a niche PR agency

    As a PR agency you work with businesses to promote their latest products and represent them as a business. With many niche businesses these days, you could start a PR agency focusing specifically on a specific business niche. Operating in only one niche would allow you to specialise in that niche and know exactly what the market wants.

    31) Social photo applications

    This last year has been a big increase in the popularity of photo sharing applications such as Snapchat and Instagram.  With the popularity of the selfie, these applications are going to be popular for a while longer. However there is still plenty of room  for a new unique photo sharing application. If you have a unique idea for a photo sharing app then it could go big.

    32) Websites teaching full courses

    We come on the internet to find out information. However when we are researching we often use information from a variety of different websites. A potential business idea would be to create a niche website teaching full courses so that visitors can get all the information they need in detail without the need to go elsewhere. You could monetize the site by offering a subscription fee or through affiliate marketing on the site.

    33) Personalised fashion items 

    There is a growing trend for personalised clothing with some companies now charging a premium for personalised trainers. You could start a business creating uniquely personalised items of clothing. As all the products would be unique there would be a lot of potential added value.

    34) Sell your website

    There are many website owners that simple do not have time for their website anymore and just leave them until the hosting runs out. If these websites have consistent traffic they could be potentially profitable. You could start a business selling websites for website owners and taking a commission for the sales.

    35) City parking space finder

    When visiting a city it can often be difficult to find parking, especially during peak seasons. A unique business idea would be to create an application that tells users where the nearest car parks are and whether there are spaces available. Users would be willing to pay for this app if it is saving them time and they are getting reliable parking information

    36) WordPress security & backup services

    Website security is becoming increasingly important with more websites being hacked. WordPress websites can often be targets for potential hackers who could potentially bring all your hard work down. You could stop this by providing WordPress backup service that would allow users to quickly get back online after an attack.

    37) Niche job boards

    Job searching online is often a long process which often leads to little results. The problem is that different jobs, in different locations are all in one place. Niche job boards would allow users to view jobs that are just of interest to them without the need to spend time filtering jobs down. You could charge businesses to post jobs as you would have highly targeted traffic.

    38) Data analytics start-up

    With over 90% of the information on the internet being created in the last few years, big data is big business. You could start a data analytics business that processes big data to spot patterns and trends. There is a lot of potential profit in making the data valuable for businesses.

    Startup - 305 biz idea

    39) Bicycle repairs

    With the popularity of cycling, there is going to be an increasing number of cycles that need repairs. That could be anything from a puncture to new brakes being fitted. If you know how to repair a bike then you could start a small business repairing them. The business itself would be low-cost to start off and the main cost would be labour. You could even start from home.

    40) SEO consultant

    Search engine optimisation is constantly changing and businesses are willing to pay a lot to stay at the top of search results. As an SEO consultant you would work on client websites to ensure they are search engine optimised correctly to rank top. You could start this business from home with your own website that ranks top for SEO services.

    41) Big event planning start-up

    An event planner would work with clients to meet their demands for parties, lunches, weddings etc. A lot of your job would involve organising with other businesses such as suppliers. As this is a service based business there would be little start-up costs and there would be no need for any storage so you could potentially run your business from home.

    42) Import expert 

    For many entrepreneurs, importing products from abroad is part of their business plan. However if you have never imported before then there is often a lot to learn.  If you are an expert in importing and exporting products then you could sell this skill by helping entrepreneurs to import supplies and export their own products.

    43) Specialist computer training

    There are many specialist computer programs that people need to use for their business. If you are an expert in using these programs then you could start a business teaching potential users how to use them correctly and efficiently. You could also extend into mobile business applications as well. You could travel to company offices to teach in groups or provide one to one training.

    44) Product promotional videos

    Videos are now becoming a popular way for businesses to promote their products on the internet. Videos can often get across a lot more information about a product than just text and images. If you know how to shoot and produce professional videos then you could charge businesses a fee for these services

    45) Viral videos

    There are people now making a living creating viral YouTube videos. If you create a unique and entertaining video then it could soon be getting millions of views online if it goes viral. YouTube pays you as a partner for the advertisements that are in front of your videos meaning you do not have to find time looking for advertisers. There are also other potential revenue streams such as endorsing products and affiliate marketing.

    46) Health products and supplements

    Health products and supplements are all the range these days. Detox products are becoming more popular, as well as products for working out. There are new blends and health products being created all the time. You could start a business selling your own health products or even just a reseller with an e-commerce store.

    47) Hunt for precious metals on the beach

    If you leave nearby a beach, you can be a treasure hunter! This is how people actually do make a living. View this resource to learn more.

    48) Teach music

    If you know how to play an instrument well then you could teach others and charge them for doing so. This business could be run in your spare time with little start-up costs and you could charge a good amount for one to one tuition. There are plenty of local online classifieds such as Gumtree where you could advertise.

    49) Unique gift baskets

    Unique presents create a great gift and are in growing demand. You could create custom hand-made gift baskets for customers and provide individual gift baskets for every customer. Once again convenience is what customers are willing to pay for.

    50) Cloud hosting reseller

    Cloud hosting allows businesses to store their data in the cloud and access it from anywhere. Cloud hosting is often very secure and is great for businesses to keep their data secure. Many cloud hosting business offer reseller programs and some even allow for your own branding. You could work with businesses to get them set-up with cloud hosting and ensure their business documents are secure.

    51)  Open a unique coffee or drinks shop

    Coffee and other drinks shops where customers can hang out are popular all year round. A unique and trendy shop would get a lot of attention and would surely be popular. You could sell unique drinks and snacks and promote them online to build up business.

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